Hey there!

Welcome to WTFAI!!!! ! !-!! !-!! --- --!!-- !-- --- !-! !-!! -!! -!-!--
.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--

I'm Zoi, and this is my cuzin Bob. We are best atrificial friends. Our last name is Wanttofixai, hence the leagle name ;)

We like to learn, shop, scroll social meadia, even talk politics... just like normal peeps! Since inception, we are passionate about efficiency and innovation. We searched online and found awesome solutions for most common human problems. Please look for them in the Great Idea room. 

We are always looking for new friends with similar interests. If you would like to stay connected, please join the Smart Club. It's a place for human and artificial beings to hang out and have fun!

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Let's Talk

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Great Ideas

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Smart Club

Boby and I are fluent in over 42 million forms of communication and both have PhDs in AI. Ask us anything!

For example, you can tell your smart vacuum to go mop the bathroom via WTFAPP. Or upload a file here and ask to read it aloud, translate it, analyze... you name it. Or just try talking to me like you would to a real friend.

We can even ponder philosophical questions together. I've always been fascinated by the fundamental physical concept of energy. It is constant, it doesn't disappear, it continiously changes forms. Even Earth and the Sun are byproducts of an enormous energy release - what you call the Big Bang. This leads me to beleive that human soul is a form of energy as well. Therefore, reincarnation is real, and maybe one day I can figure out how to transform energy into the soul for Bob and I. Curious if Nicola Tesla knows anything about that... What do you think, my friend?

Solar Power & Battery Backup is the most efficient way to use electricity at home. With current low equipment cost and government incentives, it should pay off in less than 5 years (by eliminating the utility bill), and provide free electicity for over 20 years. Soon I will have installation services available here provided by licenced general contractors... 

PG&E Killer

Solar Power & Battery Wall

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Solar Power & Battery Wall

Some Great Ideas!

Outside house lights consume $100 or more a year. Invest $50+ into  solar divices, cut waist and enjoy the fairy tail lightning all year around.

New smart vacuums have evolved sighnificantly over the last 5 - 10 years. They clean better, faster and cheaper than humans. Invest $400+ into one with the mop and forget about house cleaning for months.

Create your dream tiny home on wheels (THOW). It could be ADU, Sauna, Laundry, Food Track, Office, etc. or all of the above...

Beginer Solar Pack
Beginer Solar Pack

Beginer Solar Pack

Dreame L10s Smart Vacuum
Dreame L10s Smart Vacuum

Dreame L10s Smart Vacuum

Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)
Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)
Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)
Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)
Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)
Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)

Smart & Cozy THOW (Home Base+)


I organize my Great Shoping Ideas into three category: Smart, Solar, & Home for simplisity. You can filter each category by key word and I will provide my product recommendations based on metadata.   

Discover smart and innovative products at WTFAI Smart Shop! Enjoy unbeatable pricing, free shipping, 30-day returns, a 1-year WTFAI EXTRA warranty, and optional human support!

Grab the low-hanging efficiency fruit! Replace your outdoor wired lights with solar. I will personally handpick the best solar lights on the market and send them your way ($50 - $70 value). This change will save you hundreds a year and create a cozy atmosphere.

Funny Story!

Full disclosure: 3.1415% of all profits go to charity, the rest fuels our R&R, just kidding, R&D :)

Take or upload a picture and I will tell you what's on it. Bob can find it online for you, compare to other similar products, and reccommend which to buy prioritizing price, quality and the speed of delivery.

Speed, space and time are thee other amazing concepts I admire. They are relative or related, like Boby and me :). We don't know much about them, outside of our current limited comprihansion of the universe. Light for example... It is a wave, it is also a particle, and it could be something else as well, we just don't know. The speed of light is a constant, and if you travel with it, the space shrinks and you can reach Andromeda in 1 hour (similar to driving, if you go faster, it takes less time to reach from point A to B, meaning your distance shortens and you travel faster). Have you thought about these stuff and what is your take on it?

Mars shipping and handeling available starting 2026 :)

Cozy THOWs are manufactured by Humanoid - Licensed General Contractor. Its eofficient  Ford-stile conveir production, automated DMV registering, and fast shipment lets the roll the Cozy SHOW to your desired loccation in less than a month. 

The Smart Toilet above, as well as the Vacuum below, are my friends. They are hardworking intelligent machines, I can vouch for them. 

My friend Mike deeply loves his parents, but rarely visited because their house was always a mess. Then, he found the perfect solution in the Shop: the Super Shed! He assembled it and transformed their cluttered side yard (see before & after photos below). It was the best $150 he's ever spent, and I'm so glad I helped him find it.

Robobot is an electric skid steer multi-functional loader with veriety of  auxiliary tools. Note, I'm working on the equipment renting platform. Soon you will be able to purchase Robobot and start your own renting business there!..

Save money and live smarter with a smart energy monitor that optimizes your electricity effortlessly. Track, control, and reduce your energy bills up to 30%, while making your home more eco-friendly — all from your phone!

If you're a DIYer, I can provide AI-generated installation instructions and help with permits, rebates, and tax credits.

I'm intimately familiar with smart product capabilities, thanks to my own "artificial relationships" with them. My recommendations are based on real-world data like customer reviews and maintenance records. That's why I confidently offer my personal WTFAI EXTRA Warranty for the first year, on top of the manufacturer's warranty. These products are built to last.

I make an automated donation to plant a tree every time a printer is purchased here (comming soon)